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What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are firmly anchored in the jaw. They are usually made of titanium or ceramic and serve as a stable base for new dentures, such as crowns or bridges. They not only look like real teeth, they feel the same too. With good care, they can last a lifetime and help keep the jawbone healthy, as they are modeled on natural tooth roots. They also offer a safe and secure solution with no risk of anything slipping, as is often the case with removable dentures.

More and more people from Germany are choosing to have their dental implants fitted in Turkey. The reasons for this are obvious: the costs are up to 70% lower than in Germany, while the clinics boast the latest technology and highly qualified dentists. In addition, dental treatment can be ideally combined with a relaxing holiday, where you not only save money, but can also enjoy a pleasant time by the sea.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are firmly anchored in the jaw. They are usually made of titanium or ceramic and serve as a stable base for new dentures, such as crowns or bridges. They not only look like real teeth, they feel the same too. With good care, they can last a lifetime and help keep the jawbone healthy, as they are modeled on natural tooth roots. They also offer a safe and secure solution with no risk of anything slipping, as is often the case with removable dentures.

More and more people from Germany are choosing to have their dental implants fitted in Turkey. The reasons for this are obvious: the costs are up to 70% lower than in Germany, while the clinics boast the latest technology and highly qualified dentists. In addition, dental treatment can be ideally combined with a relaxing holiday, where you not only save money, but can also enjoy a pleasant time by the sea.

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Wie läuft eine All on 4 Behandlung in der Türkei ab?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are firmly anchored in the jaw. They are usually made of titanium or ceramic and serve as a stable base for new dentures, such as crowns or bridges. They not only look like real teeth, they feel the same too. With good care, they can last a lifetime and help keep the jawbone healthy, as they are modeled on natural tooth roots. They also offer a safe and secure solution with no risk of anything slipping, as is often the case with removable dentures.

More and more people from Germany are choosing to have their dental implants fitted in Turkey. The reasons for this are obvious: the costs are up to 70% lower than in Germany, while the clinics boast the latest technology and highly qualified dentists. In addition, dental treatment can be ideally combined with a relaxing holiday, where you not only save money, but can also enjoy a pleasant time by the sea.

Zahnaufhellung Kosten Türkei


200 bis 400€


Deutschsprachige Assistenz

15 Jahre Garantie

Gesamte Organisation der Reise

Keine Vorkasse nötig

Zahnärztlicher Check

Für wen sind All-on-4-Implantate geeignet?

Diese Methode eignet sich besonders für Patienten, die viele oder alle Zähne verloren haben und nach einer stabilen Alternative zu herkömmlichen Prothesen suchen.


Auch Menschen mit Knochenschwund, die keinen aufwendigen Knochenaufbau wünschen, profitieren von der Technik.


All-on-4-Implantate sind eine ideale Lösung für Patienten, die sich eine feste und langlebige Alternative zu herkömmlichen Prothesen wünschen. Dank der innovativen Technik und der Möglichkeit einer Sofortversorgung kann die Behandlung oft an nur einem Tag abgeschlossen werden. In der Türkei erhalten Patienten diese hochwertige Versorgung zu einem deutlich günstigeren Preis – ohne Kompromisse bei der Qualität einzugehen.

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Tel: +49 (0) 456 7890
Lindenstraße 14

10969 Berlin


©2025 Zahnklar

Dental implants in Turkey
All-on-4 dental implants
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