What are dental implants?
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are firmly anchored in the jaw. They are usually made of titanium or ceramic and serve as a stable base for new dentures, such as crowns or bridges. They not only look like real teeth, they feel the same too. With good care, they can last a lifetime and help keep the jawbone healthy, as they are modeled on natural tooth roots. They also offer a safe and secure solution with no risk of anything slipping, as is often the case with removable dentures.
More and more people from Germany are choosing to have their dental implants fitted in Turkey. The reasons for this are obvious: the costs are up to 70% lower than in Germany, while the clinics boast the latest technology and highly qualified dentists. In addition, dental treatment can be ideally combined with a relaxing holiday, where you not only save money, but can also enjoy a pleasant time by the sea.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are firmly anchored in the jaw. They are usually made of titanium or ceramic and serve as a stable base for new dentures, such as crowns or bridges. They not only look like real teeth, they feel the same too. With good care, they can last a lifetime and help keep the jawbone healthy, as they are modeled on natural tooth roots. They also offer a safe and secure solution with no risk of anything slipping, as is often the case with removable dentures.
More and more people from Germany are choosing to have their dental implants fitted in Turkey. The reasons for this are obvious: the costs are up to 70% lower than in Germany, while the clinics boast the latest technology and highly qualified dentists. In addition, dental treatment can be ideally combined with a relaxing holiday, where you not only save money, but can also enjoy a pleasant time by the sea.

Wie läuft eine Zahnimplantat-Behandlung in der Türkei ab?
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are firmly anchored in the jaw. They are usually made of titanium or ceramic and serve as a stable base for new dentures, such as crowns or bridges. They not only look like real teeth, they feel the same too. With good care, they can last a lifetime and help keep the jawbone healthy, as they are modeled on natural tooth roots. They also offer a safe and secure solution with no risk of anything slipping, as is often the case with removable dentures.
More and more people from Germany are choosing to have their dental implants fitted in Turkey. The reasons for this are obvious: the costs are up to 70% lower than in Germany, while the clinics boast the latest technology and highly qualified dentists. In addition, dental treatment can be ideally combined with a relaxing holiday, where you not only save money, but can also enjoy a pleasant time by the sea.

Welche Arten von Zahnimplantaten gibt es?
Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Zahnimplantaten, die je nach individueller Zahnsituation und Kieferbeschaffenheit zum Einsatz kommen.
Die gängigsten sind Endosteale Implantate, die direkt in den Kieferknochen eingesetzt werden, und subperiostale Implantate, die auf dem Kieferknochen unter dem Zahnfleisch platziert werden.
Zudem gibt es Mini-Implantate für kleinere Zahnlücken und sogenannte All-on-4-Implantate, die eine gesamte Zahnreihe mit nur vier Implantaten stützen.
Was kostet ein Zahnimplantat in der Türkei?
Die Kosten für ein Zahnimplantat in der Türkei sind im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Ländern deutlich günstiger. Während die Preise in Deutschland oft zwischen 2.000 und 3.500 Euro pro Implantat liegen, können Patienten in der Türkei mit Kosten zwischen 500 und 1.500 Euro rechnen. Der genaue Preis hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, darunter das verwendete Material, die Anzahl der benötigten Implantate sowie eventuelle zusätzliche Behandlungen wie Knochenaufbau oder Sinuslift. Trotz der niedrigeren Preise setzen viele Kliniken hochwertige Implantatsysteme ein, die den internationalen Standards entsprechen.
Zahnimplantat Kosten Türkei
500 bis 700 €
Vergleich Deutschland: ab 1.500€
pro Zahn
Titan mit Krone
650 bis 950€
Vergleich Deutschland: ab 2.500€
pro Zahn
Deutschsprachige Assistenz
15 Jahre Garantie
Gesamte Organisation der Reise
Keine Vorkasse nötig